Vicki & Lynn Beau

About us – Vicki and Lynn Beau are a mother /daughter team who have been writing together since Lynn was in grade school, although they probably told stories together long before that. When Lynn was in grade 8 they collaborated on a historical fiction novella and both enjoyed it so much they swore to do it again. Just proves you shouldn’t swear. Life stepped in and it was years before they both looked at their schedules and said, “No way we could write anything because we are just too busy but….” And they began to write. Their first novel, Yukon Winter took them longer than they expected. It is hard to get two busy women, one who lives north of 60 in the Yukon Territory with 2 children, a big dog, and the other, a self-employed grandmother, together to write, but they managed. During the writing of this book, both discovered things about themselves they didn’t know before…and about each other. They talked about relationships, romance, and sex in ways they hadn’t tackled before either. Oh Blush, on the other hand, growing up in a house with four teens, most of those things got talked about at the dinner table, so they didn’t have far to go. “We both learned so much,” says Lynn, “and we can hardly wait to do it again.”

Books by Vicki and Lynn

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