Diver Blues – Flashpoint Publications

Diver Blues




After a tragic event involving a student drowning, Dive Master Jaime Forest sails from the Florida Keys northward on a soul-searching mission. Midway through her voyage, Jaime finds herself face to face with another crisis. A baby seal, ensnared in fishing net, becomes severely injured when the netting tangles in Jaime’s boat propeller.

Help arrives in the form of A.J. Norris, a young, attractive marine biologist who manages a nearby mammal stranding center in a small beach town. Once they transport the seal to safety, they tend to its life-threatening wounds. With the seal too weak for relocation to a larger rehab facility on the mainland, and with Jaime’s boat now damaged, A.J. and Jaime find themselves temporarily stranded.

From the moment A.J. and Jaime meet, their attraction for each other is undeniable and intense. As the days unfold, they can no longer hide their desire and they become lovers. But Jaime’s guilt over the tragic drowning incident prevents her from opening up to A.J. on an emotional level, which leaves A.J. frustrated.

In the midst of their turmoil, they learn a Category 2 hurricane is fast approaching the coastline and that evacuation is mandatory. Refusing to leave the seal they’ve fondly named Clementine, Jaime and A.J. hunker down to weather the storm. Will they survive, or will Jaime’s soul-searching expedition end in yet another senseless tragedy?


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