We want your butch stories for an upcoming anthology.
Anthology to be published by Flashpoint Publications, a publisher of LGBTQIA+ stories.
What does being butch mean to you? We want to know about your experience of living and loving as a butch. Tell us about the complexities and intricacies of your butch identity, gender presentation and representation—the good and the bad. We want to know everything—from the moment you saw the possibility of your future self in someone else to the day you got your official butch card. Tell us about your power suits, buzz cuts and lucky flannel shirts. What’s the best thing about being butch? The hardest? We want to hear from old school butches, baby dykes and everyone in between. Tell us where you came from and where you’re going. Tell us about your butch journey of authenticity.
If you’re not a butch but love one, we want to hear from you, too. What do you love about butches? Maybe it’s their swagger, the way they look in a suit or how they’re unapologetically unafraid to be themselves. Tell us about the triumphs and challenges of loving a butch. We want to know about your butch’s rough edges and soft spots.
We need your essays about Ann Lister and think pieces about A League of Their Own (the new really butch one).
Our goal is to highlight butch stories and butch voices, which often go unheard or are misunderstood, and document the butch experience. Books can be mirrors and windows—reflecting our lives back to us or opening them up to others. We intend for this book to be both.
We are open to short stories, poetry, art work, essays, memoir and all forms of creative nonfiction. Give us your butch best under 4,000 words. Please include a short biographical statement of 100 words or less.
All contributors will receive a copy of the anthology.
E-mail submissions to story curator Rae Theodore at: rae.r.theodore@gmail.com.
Submissions should be in a Word document or pasted into the body of an e-mail.
Submissions are due by January 1, 2023.