For a Brazilian who’s lived her whole life in Rio, Isa claims that she doesn’t go to the beach as often as she should. Something about letting the big city life take over, she supposes. Only two things bring more peace to her heart than being surrounded by nature, though: her dog and women-loving-women stories. Isa has always loved writing, but only found her true writer’s voice once she started writing romance. Happy endings make life worth living, she says, so she chooses to wear those famous rose-colored glasses on the daily.
Telling stories comes naturally to Isa; her only struggle is choosing what to work on next. She writes one thing, and ten more ideas pile up in her notes. But she’s not complaining. Maybe just daydreaming about more time to write. Isa takes a particular interest in slow-burn romance, characters over forty, and is keen on including multiple identities in her work.
Popcorn, music, and art are some of Isa’s favorite things in life. When she sits at her desk to write, combining these elements is only challenging because she can’t admit her buttery sticky fingers to touch her beloved keyboard. If you have any tips, reach out to her, she’ll appreciate it.